C-Suite Equity Consulting works hand in hand with our clients to create solutions that perfectly fit their needs. This collaboration is essential for the successful transition from strategy, to plan creation, to impactful action. We invite you to view the featured projects below to learn about some of our past work, and contact us to discuss how we can help you achieve your equity and justice goals as well.

Housing Washington Conference
Project: Housing Washington Statewide Conference Keynote
Project Type: Keynote Speaker
Timeframe: Event - 60 min Presentation
Summary: C-Suite Equity Consulting created and presented a keynote session on "Systematic Racism, Urban Development, Upward Mobility and High-Displacement Gentrification" to over 800 in-person registered attendees, with an additional virtual audience. The session addressed issues of systematic racism and its impact on affordable housing at multiple income levels, neighborhood gentrification, and displacement, especially of people of color, as well as ways to facilitate equitable housing access. This session included an overview of national conditions and tailored data relevant to conditions in Washington state, increasing value and relevance to attendees, and concluded with a Question & Answer session.
Additional conference and session details are linked here. The keynote can be viewed here.
Southern Gateway Public Green Foundation
Project: Southern Gateway Park Equitable Development Plan
Project Type: Equitable Development Plan, Strategy, & Metrics
Timeframe: 12 months
Summary: C-Suite Equity Consulting created and facilitated an equitable development process for the Oak Cliff community in Dallas to ensure meaningful community and stakeholder involvement during planning, design, construction, and maintenance/operation phases of the park. This process transformed community priorities into an equitable and implementable plan to leverage an $80 million park investment for “existing residential benefit … to address decades of disinvestment” through an elevated green space. As of Summer 2022 the plan has been used to raise an additional $15million in investments.
The Southern Gateway Park Equitable Development Plan can be viewed here.
(Image Courtesy of The Southern Gateway Park Website)

Dallas-Fort Worth Urban League Young Professionals
Project: Community Needs Survey
Project Type: Community Needs Assessments & Strategy
Timeframe: 1 month
Summary: C-Suite Equity Consulting was engaged to conduct a preliminary Community Needs Assessment to assess current quality of life for Black residents and determine the viability of reactivating a full Urban League affiliate chapter in the Dallas metro area. The Assessment covered the cities of Dallas, Irving, & Garland, and Dallas County and identified trends, needs, gaps in service, and recommended preliminary areas of opportunities for Urban League programming, policy advocacy, and partnership. The report was used as support to secure the approval of a full affiliate chapter in Dallas-Ft. Worth by the National Urban League.

Abilene Christian University at Dallas
Project: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Summit
Project Type: Summits/Retreats
Timeframe: Event - 6 hour training
Summary: C-Suite Equity Consulting designed, facilitated, and presented three independent training sessions through an engaging, interactive, and informative six hour equity summit. The day was split in three key blocks with presentations tailored to the following groups - Session I - Minority Employee Resource Group and Diversity Action Council, Session II - Senior Leadership Team and Executive Leadership Team, and Session III - All Faculty, Staff, and Leadership.

Client: West Dallas Community in partnership with The Trinity Park Conservancy and Builders of Hope
Project: West Dallas Community Vision Platfor
Project Type: Policy Platform Creation & Task Force Development
Timeframe: 14 months
Summary: C-Suite Equity Consulting was engaged as a strategy and facilitation expert to complete the Groundsetting and Community Visioning phases of the West Dallas Community Vision Plan (WDCVP), of which this Platform is a critical first step. The WDCVP is a collaborative, community-led initiative to inform future investment in a way that reflects resident priorities and desires, meets community needs, reduces displacement, supports the development of a thriving community and envisions a pathway to health, vitality, stability, security, opportunity, connectivity and continued leadership for all of West Dallas.
The Vision Platform can be viewed in English and in Spanish.
TREC Community Investors (formerly TREC Community Fund), The Golden S.E.E.D.S. Foundation, St. Philip's School & Community Center, CitySquare (Now Forest Forward), Cornerstone Baptist Church, Builders of Hope
Project: Community Driven Growth: A Roadmap for Dallas' Equitable Development
Project Type: Equitable Development Plan & Strategy
Timeframe: 12 months
Summary: C-Suite Equity Consulting was retained as project manager overseeing timely project completion and contributing to community engagement and report writing for the JPMorgan Chase Foundation Partnerships for Raising Opportunity in Neighborhoods (PRO Neighborhoods) $400,000 planning initiative to develop an equitable development plan for three neighborhoods facing rapid transition in Dallas, including the Bottom, the Forest District, and West Dallas Census Tract 205. The planning grant was successful and a subsequent, and record-breaking, $6 million grant was awarded to implement the Community Driven Growth Plan through the Dallas Collaborative for Equitable Development to offer entrepreneurship skills training services, access to business capital for entrepreneurs of color, job skills/workforce training, and funding for affordable housing and land acquisition.
The Community Driven Growth Plan can be viewed here.